Be A Champion: Level Up Leadership Tips for Coaches – 064

It’s championship season for many of you. For some it’s just past; for some it’s almost here; for some it will roll around in the Spring or late Fall. Regardless of where you are in your preparation, building a championship mindset is a year round proposition.

Carol Dweck’s research into Mindset certainly helped us all in developing a Growth Mindset ourselves and in those we lead and coach. A championship mindset is similar.

I met with a Coach today who is entering his team’s Conference Championship later this week. We talked about preparation and mindset and motivation. We wondered aloud about a question: “What is the 1 thing you can do for the team?” Just 1 thing. And what YOU can do. How would this help the team focus and prepare? This is one more step toward a championship mindset. Each individual, coach and athlete, has a role to play. And all it takes is just 1 thing.

Here are some other thoughts:

(1) Find your word or phrase. A high school girl’s volleyball team had a fabric stuffed goose that they held high together before each match and after each timeout. Together they yelled: “Mother Goose.” I finally asked one of the players what that was about. Turns out they had learned all about the habits of geese and how flying in V Formation helps them go 71% further than if they were flying alone. It was their word, their phrase, their focus, reminding them of the commitment to the team and playing their part for the benefit of all. What’s yours?

(2) Positive talk. The words we say to ourselves have power. Positive words in public lead to positive words in private. A championship team speaks words that encourage rather than tear down, building each other up, spurring each other on to the next thing.

(3) Embracing failure. Champions do not avoid failure. Failure is merely a thing, it’s energy, and it can be use for something positive or it can beat you down. It’s all in our response. Champions face failure head-on and learn, using it as a stepping stone to their next level. A blown point, a missed opportunity, a bad pass, a strikeout – for a champion these are opportunities to learn and move forward.

Preparation is 95% physical and 5% mental. Competition is 5% physical and 95% mental.

Good luck as you prepare for a week, next month and next season.

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