Lead by Communicating

If you are a leader in today’s fast shifting time, communication can be your enemy or it can be your friend.

The goal of a leader’s communication is to take the guesswork out of your people’s day to day.

4 keys to communication that for the most part are good any time, except now the frequency of communication is crucial.

  1. Consistency is #1. Be consistent with what you say. When circumstances change, as they are daily right now, then say that. Give the reason for the change.
  2. Frequency. In times of uncertainty and fear, frequent consistent communication is a must. I’m encouraging leaders to communicate with their people EVERY day.
  3. Conciseness. Too many words and your people will get lost in them. Too few words and your people will have to fill in the blanks. Be balanced. Answer questions but don’t try to answer everything. There is no way to right now. Be truthful about what you don’t know.
  4. Caring. Let your people know you care. Let them know where you are struggling. Be real with them. Be human.

These are four cornerstone’s that I’m suggesting to clients. Let me know how it goes. And if you want to get on a call for 30 minutes to clear your own mind about what you do next, let’s do it. This is my way of adding value to my world right now. No dollars needed right now.

Jeff Raker, Executive Coach

Level Up Leadership Coaching
