7 Levels to Your Peak Performance

Peak performance never just happens. Whether in business or sports, there are some identifiable levels that are a part of every success story. Where are you strong? Where could you level up?

Level 1: Self-Awareness – this is a journey not a destination. Self-aware people are always growing in their awareness. Knowing who you are and embracing who you are, these are core components of self-awareness.

Self-aware is about both how you see you and if you understand how you are perceived by others.

Level 2: Embrace Your Brain – successful people control their thoughts and the direction of those thoughts, rather than being hijacked by their brain. I’ve always said that leaders are learners. Self-aware leaders learn about the amazing & powerful brain and how it can get in their way.

Level 3: Check Your Ego – success always demands a healthy dose of ego. Too little and success is not possible because a small ego will not allow you to take the risks necessary. Too much ego and you will not be aware of the cracks in your armor that can easily derail a successful journey. Successful people don’t think of themselves as more than they are and they certainly don’t think of themselves as less than they are.

Level 4: Know Your Comfort Zone – No peak performance ever happened inside a comfort zone. Successful people learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. There are 3 zones of which to be aware: Comfort, Learning and Panic. The Learning Zone is where success resides. Panic does nothing positive.

Level 5: Eliminate Blame – A success journey is paved with accepting responsibility for decisions, attitude, words and actions. Blame will not be found on this road. You may not like your circumstances, you may not have chosen them, but if you blame people/circumstances you’ll also never succeed through them.

Level 6: Self-Talk – Positive self-talk is a hallmark of successful people. Elite athletes have learned how to deal with failure, for instance, not allowing negative experiences to weigh them down. Instead, elite people use failure and difficulty as learning tools.

If you wouldn’t let your friends talk to you the way you talk to yourself, you can make a choice to value yourself more.

Level 7: Self-Care – If you are not at your best, your body and mind will not be able to support your drive to succeed. Sleep, diet, hobbies and relationships are just a few of the components to consider in taking care of yourself. Successful people take care of themselves, realizing that self-care is not selfish.

Where are you succeeding? Where can you level up?