Save Time: Level Up Leadership Tips

What if I told you there was a way to save up to an hour per day? Less questions about: “What was it you wanted me to do?” – “I’m not sure how to get started on that?” The constant interruptions, the desire to have an open door but you end up working longer.

I have converstaions with clients and potential clients consistently enough to tell me this is a universal issue. How to balance the desire for communication and relationship with the need to be productive and efficient? It comes down to one word: accountability. The complicating factor is the human being.

Here’s what I mean.

The main reason a leader doesn’t hold people accountable for their tasks and jobs, often just doing it themselves, is because of themselves.

“I know how much stress they’re under and I don’t want to add to it.” All about the leader.

“I feel bad about calling them out for not doing their job.” All about the leader.

“I’d rather do it myself than spend the time to explain it and hope it’s done right (code for my way).” All about the leader.

Accountability isn’t a bad word. Everyone has a space that is there responsibility. Others should not venture in to take over, instead taking are of their own space. It’s like a soccer team trusting each player to do their part, rather than one person running to wherever the ball is because they wonder “will the others do their job?”

If the player (in soccer) doesn’t do their job, a sub comes in. It’s not person, it’s about the team. Same goes for a business. It’s not personal. So don’t make it personal. Ask a question:

“What happened that this didn’t get accomplished?” It’s not personal, it’s about the task.

“What’s your next step?” is a great question for understanding if your direct report knows what they’re doing. It will save you time in the long run to take a few moments to ask and listen.

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Jeffery A. Raker, Level Up Leadership Coaching

“Helping you succeed in what you choose to pursue”